My first Chess960 tournament
Last weekend, the 5th International Chess960 Festival was held at Kreuzberg Chess Club in Berlin. The event is open to anyone wishing to give Chess960 a go and this year incorporated the 1st official German Chess960 Championship. A whopping prize fund of €10,000 naturally attracted titled players and plenty of people from abroad, including my fellow Chess960 fanatics at FRCUK, Thomas Quilter and Evangelos Kostopoulos, who managed to persuade me to enter my first ever competitive Chess960 event. There was also a live commentary team consisting of Elisabeth Pähtz (GM) and the President of the Berlin Chess Association, Paul Meyer-Dunker, who were streaming the event in German to the world-wide web.…
Ghasi annotates key game from his recent London victory
IM Ameet Ghasi, the winner of February’s London Fischer Random Rapid event, has kindly annotated win game against FM William Claridge-Hansen for the FRCUK website. The game is notable for Ghasi’s oversight early in the game: he forgot white could castle! Alas for Claridge-Hansen, his king couldn’t escape trouble for long and Ghasi eventually won a fascinating tussle. Enjoy the game and analysis.